With the recent death of Osama bin Laden near Islamabad, the whole world has gone crazy for Navy SEALs. Everybody wants to know what it was like for SEAL Team Six to carry out their heroic mission last weekend. Others want to know what it takes to become one.
In this video, we learn how to do interval training to run faster. When you do interval training, you will learn how to train your body to go to its maximum, giving you more energy and resistance to running faster. Interval training is simply doing a set time of maximum endurance exercises followed by several seconds of resting. You will continue this process for around 5 minutes and you're finished. As you continue doing this, you will build up your endurance and be able to run faster while...
When it comes to losing weight, cardio is your BFF. When you combine cardio with strength training you achieve what is known as solid gold fitness: The perfect combination of sweating (and fat loss) and muscle building so the fat slides off and your toned muscles come out.
Strength training is the foundation of ripped abs, buxom biceps, and atheletes that don't throw in the towel just because a particular fight is too hard or strenuous. In order to make those big time events seem as easy as pie, you have to train hard on your own.
In this video, we learn how to do three fast upper-body warm-ups. The first warm up is jumping rope for three minutes, then doing 30 seconds on a foam roller. After this, use the foam roller against a wall and then again on the ground, working both sides of your body. Now do 10 reps of push ups, followed by five kneeling reaches on both sides of the body. After this, you will use exercise bands to pull weights and do these on both arms. After doing this for as many reps possible, you will be...
In this video, we learn how to kick start a new fitness routine with Kung Fu. This exercise is a workout that you will not get bored of. You are always doing something new with Kung Fu and it burns a ton of calories. These workouts are rigorous and combine strength training, endurance training, and really work out your body. The classes start out with yoga, then they start getting your heart rate up by working out hard. If you can't get to a class, you can do this at home by doing loose kicks...
One way of losing the weight is by walking, and a better way to lose that fat is by interval walking. Woman's Day Magazine has some tips on how to make the best out of your interval walking routine to shed the pounds fast and increasing your stamina!
In a sense, cardio intervals are God's gift to lazy exercisers everywhere. Why? Well, rather than commiting yourself to an excrutiatingly long exercise routine every day, you can actually cut down the time you exercise in half if you add cardio intervals.
In this tutorial, we learn how to do interval cardio training. Start off on the treadmill going at a pace that is easy for you. Increase the intensity of the treadmill every two minutes. After two more minutes go back to normal. Continue doing this raising your intensity each time you start a new two minutes. You can increase it by doing a higher speed, higher incline, or anything else. When you feel like you can't do anymore, log what speed or intensity you were at. Continue to do this...
In this tutorial, we learn how to do a complete workout in 15 minutes with Joanie. The first exercise is to use a mini trampoline and jump on it for 15 minutes while doing small movements. This is a great cardio exercise that will get the heart pumping. If you aren't ready to do jumps, you can simply move your body from side to side and raise your arms up in the air while skipping up and down on the trampoline. Another great way to do an exercise in 15 minutes is to do hula hooping! The last...
Whether you're just embarking on a new exercise regimen or are a seasoned weight-lifting chunkhead who needs a little extra cardio to get that last amount of fat off, training using stairs is effective for everyone.
Do you play an intensive sport, like soccer or football, that requires you to be able to not only run quickly towards a target area far away, but also to be able to catch a flying ball with precision that far away? Then you'll benefit from the speed and quickness training methods presented in this video.
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to do cardio kickboxing routine. Users should begin by warming up before performing any kickboxing moves. Keep the punches really tight and kicks nice and easy to not pull any muscles. Start with a right-left jabs. Then add a right and left hook with the jabs. Now add right and left uppercuts to the routine. Then add two right kicks and two left kicks. This video will benefit those viewers who are interested in health and fitness, and would like to...
In this tutorial, we learn how to do wrestling conditioning with Jennifer DiDonato. To start out, do 20-50 squats followed by push ups and other drills to get warmed up. This will help you avoid pulling a muscle and let everyone work together. It's important to have a trainer with you to correct your form and posture, or else you might not be doing it correctly and hurting your body. Cardio is important with wrestling, such as: rope exercises, turn buckles, pumps, and more. Martial arts is also...
How do you amp up your current cardio/strength training routine to make sure you burn extra calories and shed extra fat? By jumping. Though jumping sounds easy, after you try this routine and repeat it a few times we'd be surprised if you weren't completely winded and sweaty. Do these exercises after your usual routine to really kick things up:
Your maximum heart rate is an important piece of information to know if you are exercising seriously and want to make sure you are going hard without damaging your body. This video will teach you an easy, conservative way to estimate your maximum heart rate. With this knowledge and a heart monitor you will be able to assess the quality of your workout more accurately.
By performing cardio intervals, you're able to speed up your metabolism, burn fat, and store carbohydrates differently. Composed of short spurts of different heart-pumping moves, you must give your all in order to gain the benefits.
Get in shape and tone your body by getting in that pool for a swim! There's nothing better for your body than swimming and there are numerous techniques and avenues for the swimmer who wants to get in better shape. In this video, get expert tips and advice on how to get in shape with the help of swimming!
First of all you have to understand that you have to simply follow the dance steps that the master teaches you. Start by moving towards your right. Move by going sideways towards the right direction. Take three or four steps towards right. Your arms must be raised up to your waist. Now do this step for the left side as well. Now turn and move towards your right such that you take a one complete turn while moving three or four steps towards the right. You have to say "1, 2, 3, 4'. At '4' you can...
Quincy shows how to jump rope like a professional or for competitions. 1. Make sure that the rope is the proper length. The rope should meet your armpits. He teaches that you'll start with the basic jump. 2. To initiate the jump, move the rope in a circular motion, make sure that it passes your head. 3. To do continuous jumps keep moving the rope in circular motions. 4. To do a double ended jump, the rope goes under your body two times and you move the rope faster.He also teaches advanced jump...
In this video, we get tips on how to get into shape and add fitness into our lives. One alternative to get fit is to just add fitness into your everyday routine instead of having to add in a specific work out regimen. Something you can do is take the stairs instead of the elevator and park further away from the store. You can also place things to keep active at your desk including weights and doing leg exercises. While on breaks, you can also do exercises with co-workers. All of this exercise...
Aerobics are a super fun way to get rid of some calories and lose weight. If you really enjoy your classes, maybe you should consider taking up a healthy career as an instructor! This video will give you the steps you need to make your new job happen!You Will Need • A computer with internet access • Aerobics classes • First Aid and CPR certification • Study materials • Teaching experience • Gym access (optional)
Here is an easy way to get in a quick workout in your busy day. First off start will forty-five seconds of bicep curls with an exercise band. Next with a deck of playing cards squat down and place one at a time on the ground in front of you. Focusing on keeping your back straight and your core tight. Once all the cards are down then pick them up one at a time. With a weighted ball in one hand reach up and come down diagonally across your body and squat as the ball touches the ground. Work...
Getting regular cardiovascular exercise is extremely important to maintain good health but it can be difficult to find an exercise that isn't strenuous on the joints. Luckily aqua jogging is a great workout for any age.
Posture plays a huge role in your entire respiratory system. Enabling your body to have good psture can increase breathing and really help expand your lungs. This video will demonstrate exactly how to improve lung capacity with a posture breath excersise.
In this video, Yuri Elkaim teaches three abdominal exercises on a stability ball. First, he demonstrates a variation of the plank exercise, rolling back and forth on the ball, and then two other exercises. Learn tips on how to do these exercises correctly to be safe and avoid injury. You will also learn ideas for an abs workout routine. Learn these interesting and challenging exercises for a stronger core and better defined abs. This video will teach you a new workout routine (or just new...
If you're looking to lose some fat, the push-pull fat burning workout is great! Give this intense fat burning workout a shot, and in just 10, maybe 15 minutes you will experience one of the most grueling workouts ever! It is really good because you do not need any equipment, you will just use your body weight for the exercises. The workout mainly consists of push ups and pull ups, in a specific order. Watch this how-to instructional video to properly learn how to do this push-pull fat burning...
If you would like to jump higher for sports or just for pure athleticism these plyometric exercises will challenge your muscles to optimize their ability to perform. This will involve a series of jumping exercises with weights and props.
Fit for a Feast hosts a kids cardio workout including Salsa steps, sit-ups, jumping jacks and more. This is a great warm-up for kids on their way to sports or dance class; it can also be used for Q.D.F. (Quality Daily Fitness) at school. With a Latin American cd in your stereo and this tutorial, you're child will be working up a sweat in no time! Be sure to stretch before you begin!
Why sweat through a boring exercise routine when you can achieve the same results while having fun?You Will Need* Dance classes or DVDs* Space to dance at home* A partner (optional)
Spinning a weighted hoop is a great core workout and burns up to 100 calories every 10 minutes.You Will Need:* An oversize, 3-pound weighted hoop* Exercise clothing* An 8 sq. ft. space* Your favorite music (optional)* An exercise mat (optional)
No time to hit the gym because you're always stuck at the office? Then bring the gym to you with these moves, which you can do right at your desk. Tip: As you get out of your chair throughout the day, try to use only your leg muscles, leaving your arms at your sides and keeping your spine straight. This gives the muscles in your legs a quick workout.
Do you love Gossip Girl? Then you will love this playground workout routine. Follow along in this fitness how-to video as Self Magazine and Jessica Szhor show you how to get in shape with a few exercises you can do at the park. Watch as the gossip girl learns to chin-up, dips, balance bends, crunches, slides, pulls and a combination of a few other exercises on the monkey bars.
Back exercises can greatly increase the condition of your spine and posture. Learn how to do the pelvic lift exercise with this tutorial. The pelvic lift exercise is a great back and abdominal muscle strengthening exercise. Watch this how to video and you will be able to perform the pelvic lift exercise.
Bear crawl and sprint drills allow for a total body workout and help to improve stamina. Learn how to perform bear crawls with sprints properly from Michael Rosengart, a professional fitness trainer in Santa Monica, California, in this workout tutorial. When performing bear crawls and sprints you should crawl on all fours, hit mark & turn around, sprint back and vary with crab walks & back peddles. With this how to video you can incorporate bear crawls and sprints into your workout.
Pregnancy is a beautiful thing but it can strain the body. Exercise can help prenatal women release stress and increase overall health. Learn how to do prenatal aerobics in this exercise tutorial. When doing prenatal aerobics you should do a basic side-step, keep arms at chest level, keep movements soft, and stretch before & after prenatal workout. With this how to video you can do prenatal aerobics safely and effectively.
Strengthen the heart muscle with aerobic exercises. Learn how to do an aerobics L-Step in this exercise tutorial. When performing the L-Step you should start with left foot, step up, bring feet together, step down, bring feet together again, and add knees to increase workout. With this how to video you can incorporate the L-Step into your workout.
Shin splints are painful and can hamper an exercise routine. Learn how to prevent shin splints during cardio in this exercise tutorial. When doing cardio you should avoid heavy impact on hard surfaces, use good cushion and support in shoes, and take duck walks to strengthen muscles. With this hwo to video you can prevent shin splints during your cardio workout.
Increase agility and workout your heart. Learn how to perform an X-Step in cardio in this exercise tutorial. When performing the X-Step you should straddle step to start, lead with right foot, and increase speed to intensify workout. With this how to video you can perform the X-Step in your cardio workout.
Learn how to jump rope in this exercise tutorial. Jumping rope can help in training for many different sports. Jumping rope provides excellent aerobic exercise. With this how to video you can incorporate jumping rope into your workout.
Step aerobics follow choreography in groups using an elevated platform. Classes are offered for all skill levels. Learn how to choreograph a step aerobics routine in this exercise tutorial. Remember to keep it basic, use 32 count phrases, work both sides, build routine, and put it all together. With this how to video you can choreograph a great step aerobics routine.
Jumping jacks can enhance any aerobic workout routine. While simple to master, jumping jacks can help you meet your fitness goals. Learn how to perform jumping jacks in this exercise tutorial. Start with legs together. When arms go up, jump with legs out, when arms go down, jump with legs in. Modify to change fitness levels. With this how to video you can do jumping jacks for a more effective workout.
Cardio exercises should be part of any exercise program. Learn how to do beginner cardio in this exercise tutorial. Do cardio outdoors or indoors. Exercise for 20 minutes. Keep a consistent heart rate. With thishow to video you can improve energy and lose weight with a cardio workout.
Step aerobics are performed for cardio fitness and weight loss using an elevated platform. Classes are offered for all skill levels. Learn how to do step aerobics in this exercise tutorial. When doing step aerobics you should get an aerobic stepper, use entire foot to step up & down, keep an eye on the step, tap it out to rest and be safe. With this how to video you can do step aerobics for a more effective workout.
Aerobics are targeted by total physical fitness: strength, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness. Aerobics can be taken in classes and are usually done with music. To practice aerobics you should follow an instructor, stay in motion, use arms to lower or raise intensity, and strengthen heart rate. With this how to video soon you will be able to practice aerobics.
Gain muscle strength and flexibility with diagonal lunges. Learn about dumbbell exercises to promote fitness in this weightlifting video. Take action: maintain balance, keep back leg straight, and increase difficulty by adding dumbbells. Michelle, the instructor in this how-to video, is a personal trainer at a gym in NC and has been a personal trainer for several years. She is certified through ACE and is a certified aerobics instructor as well. Her Specialty is weight lifting and she enjoys...
Watch this instructional fitness video to learn how to run steps. You need to find a stairwell to learn how to run steps. Running up stairs is a simple and efficient exercise, but you should make sure you are doing it right. It's important to walk down the stairs quickly but safely. Try a more advanced stair run by skipping steps.
Watch this instructional fitness video to learn how to build stamina when running. Jogging is a simple and efficient exercise, but you should make sure you are doing it right. Stamina is different than endurance, in that you have to keep the same speed and strength without weakening. It's important to take in as much oxygen as possible and work on lowering your lactic acid output. Run in one minute bursts to slowly build up stamina.
Watch this instructional fitness video to learn how to stay hydrated when running. Make sure you have been drinking water several days before you begin running. Jogging is a simple and efficient exercise, but you should make sure you are able to stay healthy and hydrated. It's important to bring water with you on a run or drop it off at resting points. Try electrolyte replacement drinks to make up for the loss of water.
Watch this instructional fitness video to learn how to jog faster. Running is a simple and efficient exercise, but you should make sure you are doing it right. Work on tempo runs, repeats and hills. It's important to stay relaxed when running and use all of your tense energy for moving forward. In order to run faster, you will have to push yourself, so take periodical breaks to regain breath and strength.
Watch this instructional fitness video to learn how to do soft sand trail running. Soft sand trail running is for running on beaches, sand dunes and dirt trails. Soft sand running barefoot is good for the arch of your foot. This type of jogging is a healthy calf muscle exercise, but you should make sure you are doing it right.
Watch this instructional fitness video to learn how to sprint. Sprinting is a simple and efficient exercise, but more complex and ballistic than jogging. It's important to keep an active arm swing when keep you knees high to use all of your tense energy for sprinting forward.
Watch this instructional fitness video to learn how to jog. Jogging is a simple and efficient exercise, but you should make sure you are doing it right. It's important to stay relaxed when running and use all of your tense energy for moving forward. With this how to video you can incorporate jogging into your workout.