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How To: Perform jumping jacks
Jumping jacks can enhance any aerobic workout routine. While simple to master, jumping jacks can help you meet your fitness goals. Learn how to perform jumping jacks in this exercise tutorial. Start with legs together. When arms go up, jump with legs out, when arms go down, jump with legs in. Modify to change fitness levels. With this how to video you can do jumping jacks for a more effective workout.
How To: Do cardio for beginners
Cardio exercises should be part of any exercise program. Learn how to do beginner cardio in this exercise tutorial. Do cardio outdoors or indoors. Exercise for 20 minutes. Keep a consistent heart rate. With thishow to video you can improve energy and lose weight with a cardio workout.
How To: Do aerobics for beginners
Aerobics are targeted by total physical fitness: strength, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness. Aerobics can be taken in classes and are usually done with music. To practice aerobics you should follow an instructor, stay in motion, use arms to lower or raise intensity, and strengthen heart rate. With this how to video soon you will be able to practice aerobics.
How To: Do weighted diagonal lunges
Gain muscle strength and flexibility with diagonal lunges. Learn about dumbbell exercises to promote fitness in this weightlifting video. Take action: maintain balance, keep back leg straight, and increase difficulty by adding dumbbells. Michelle, the instructor in this how-to video, is a personal trainer at a gym in NC and has been a personal trainer for several years. She is certified through ACE and is a certified aerobics instructor as well. Her Specialty is weight lifting and she enjoys ...
How To: Run steps
Watch this instructional fitness video to learn how to run steps. You need to find a stairwell to learn how to run steps. Running up stairs is a simple and efficient exercise, but you should make sure you are doing it right. It's important to walk down the stairs quickly but safely. Try a more advanced stair run by skipping steps.
How To: Build stamina when running
Watch this instructional fitness video to learn how to build stamina when running. Jogging is a simple and efficient exercise, but you should make sure you are doing it right. Stamina is different than endurance, in that you have to keep the same speed and strength without weakening. It's important to take in as much oxygen as possible and work on lowering your lactic acid output. Run in one minute bursts to slowly build up stamina.
How To: Stay hydrated when running
Watch this instructional fitness video to learn how to stay hydrated when running. Make sure you have been drinking water several days before you begin running. Jogging is a simple and efficient exercise, but you should make sure you are able to stay healthy and hydrated. It's important to bring water with you on a run or drop it off at resting points. Try electrolyte replacement drinks to make up for the loss of water.
How To: Run faster
Watch this instructional fitness video to learn how to jog faster. Running is a simple and efficient exercise, but you should make sure you are doing it right. Work on tempo runs, repeats and hills. It's important to stay relaxed when running and use all of your tense energy for moving forward. In order to run faster, you will have to push yourself, so take periodical breaks to regain breath and strength.
How To: Do step aerobics
Step aerobics are performed for cardio fitness and weight loss using an elevated platform. Classes are offered for all skill levels. Learn how to do step aerobics in this exercise tutorial. When doing step aerobics you should get an aerobic stepper, use entire foot to step up & down, keep an eye on the step, tap it out to rest and be safe. With this how to video you can do step aerobics for a more effective workout.
How To: Do soft sand trail running
Watch this instructional fitness video to learn how to do soft sand trail running. Soft sand trail running is for running on beaches, sand dunes and dirt trails. Soft sand running barefoot is good for the arch of your foot. This type of jogging is a healthy calf muscle exercise, but you should make sure you are doing it right.
How To: Sprint
Watch this instructional fitness video to learn how to sprint. Sprinting is a simple and efficient exercise, but more complex and ballistic than jogging. It's important to keep an active arm swing when keep you knees high to use all of your tense energy for sprinting forward.
How To: Jog
Watch this instructional fitness video to learn how to jog. Jogging is a simple and efficient exercise, but you should make sure you are doing it right. It's important to stay relaxed when running and use all of your tense energy for moving forward. With this how to video you can incorporate jogging into your workout.
How To: Practice aerobic exercises with Maggie Q
This how to video demonstrates a SELF magazine workout featuring intense aerobic movements. Watch and learn how the Maggie Q, star of Live Free or Die Hard, tones, strengthens and sculpts her body. All Maggie Q does and all you need to do to get a strong body is an intense aerobic workout. Practice doing flying punch kicks, one-two kicks, sweeping kicks, switch jumps, jumping knees and a capoeira cartwheel.
How To: Go Nordic walking
Take a look at this instructional video and learn how to go Nordic walking. When using this particular walking technique, Nordic walking reduces the weight on your heels and simultaneously helps you burn calories.
How To: Lose weight with a cardio jump rope workout
In this how to video you can learn a jump rope workout will help you lose fat while burning a ton of calories. Jumping rope is a fun exercise which helps to build your overall agility and endurance levels.
How To: Do the star drill exercise
This tutorial demonstrates an agility exercise. This star drill exercise workout was developed to increase your overall sports performance. This video explains the star drill exercise and how you can incorporate this agility training to develop your flexibility, balance and power.
How To: Do a stair running exercise
This tutorial is a demonstration of a speed and conditioning exercise. These stair running workout was developed to increase your overall sports performance. This how to video explains the stair running exercise and how you can incorporate this speed training to develop your flexibility, balance and power.
How To: Do the sprint high knees exercise
This tutorial demonstrates a speed and conditioning exercise. This sprint high knees workout was developed to increase your overall sports performance. This how to video explains the sprint high knees exercise and how you can incorporate this speed training to develop your flexibility, balance and power.
How To: Do a side box jump exercise
This tutorial demonstrates a plyometrics sports training exercise. This side box jump workout was developed to increase your overall sports performance. This how to video explains a plyometric side box jump exercise and how you can incorporate this explosive training into your routine to develop your speed and power to become bigger, faster and stronger.
How To: Do the knee tuck jump
This tutorial demonstrates plyometrics sports training exercise. This knee tuck jump workout were developed to increase your overall sports performance. This how to video explains a plyometric exercise and how you can incorporate this explosive training into your routine to develop your speed and power to become bigger, faster and stronger.
How To: Jump rope correctly
This tutorial gives a demonstration of a cardio workout. It explains the jump rope exercise and provides tips on how to perform the exercise correctly. Jumping rope is one of the best overall cardio exercises and burns serious calories in a short amount of time. This is one exercise you definitely want to keep in your workout routine to see results.
How To: Do a 4th quarter drill exercise
This tutorial shows speed and conditioning exercises. This 4th quarter workout was developed to increase your overall sports performance. This video explains the fourth quarter drill exercise and how you can incorporate this speed training to develop your flexibility, balance and power.
How To: Do a cone drill workout
This cone drill workout were developed to increase you overall sports performance. This how to video explains the cone drill exercise and how you can incorporate this agility training to develop your flexibility, balance and power.
How To: Run a 40 yard dash
Watch this speed and conditioning instructional video. This 40 yard dash exercise is developed to increase your overall sports performance. This how to video explains the 40 yard dash exercise and how you can incorporate this speed training to develop your flexibility, balance and power.
How To: Do Nia lateral step exercises
Nia is an exercise program that focuses on aerobic workout, and it incorporates the mind, body, and soul into creative healing moves. Learn how to do lateral step variations in Nia with this free exercise video series from a black belt instructor.
How To: Do Nia lower body exercises
Nia combines various martial arts moves for a smooth, aerobic exercise routine. Learn how to do kicks for the lower body in Nia with this free exercise series from a black belt Nia instructor.
How To: Do Nia stances and foot exercises
Nia is a blend of martial arts, dance arts and healing arts combined into an aerobic exercise routine. Learn several stances and foot exercises from a professional Nia instructor in this free video series.
How To: Practice Nia steps
Nia is a blend of martial arts, dance arts and healing arts combined into an aerobic exercise routine. Learn several steps from a professional Nia instructor in this free video series.
How To: Chair dance
Chair dancing is a great form of aerobic exercise and it's fun! Learn how to chair dance with expert tips from a dance instructor in this free aerobic exercise video series.
How To: Do water aerobics exercises
Water aerobics is a great way to exercise and get in shape without harming your joints or bones. Learn how to do water aerobics exercises with expert fitness tips in this free video series.
How To: Do a circuit training workout
Circuit training exercises increase aerobic endurance and burn fat. Learn how to do simple circuit training exercise that work multiple muscles at once in this free fitness video series from a certified personal trainer.
How To: Do knee lifts for step aerobics
Watch and learn from our personal trainer how to do knee lift step exercises in this free fitness video on step exercises you can do with equipment. Do knee lifts for step aerobics - Part 1 of 9.
How To: Learn about step aerobics
How Step got started. Learn about the history of step aerobics in this free fitness workout from a professional instructor. Learn about step aerobics - Part 1 of 10.
How To: Do aerobic exercises
Lose weight and stay healthy by learning how to do aerobic exercises with the expert tips in this free fitness video series on doing aerobic exercises.
How To: Do dynamic scissor lunges
Dynamic scissor lunges are a plyometric exercise that promote fast movements, explosive strength and power! Learn how to do them with this plyometrics training video lesson. Do dynamic scissor lunges - Part 1 of 14.
How To: Practice Nia
Nia is a blend of martial arts, dance arts and healing arts combined into an aerobic exercise routine. Learn several Nia steps and exercises from a professional Nia instructor in this free fitness video series.
How To: Do shuffle step exercises
Learn how to get in shape and stay healthy by doing some different step exercises in this free fitness video series on doing shuffle step exercises.
How To: Do a cardio step workout
Learn how you can do a cardio workout using the step with this fitness tutorial. The aerobic step is a great way to get a high impact cardio workout. Watch this video demonstration and you can get in shape with an aerobic step workout.
How To: Do the shoot throughs exercise
In this fitness tutorial, you will learn how to do the shoot throughs exercise. Shoot throughs are great for improving overall strength and coordination. It is also a good way to get your heart rate up and warm up. Watch this how to video and you can warm up and get in shape with the shoot throughs exercise.
How To: Do step ups for aerobics
The step-up is a great exercise for the muscles of the upper leg. It effectively works the thighs, hips, and butt. The calf muscles work as synergists during the step-up exercise. They assist with balance. The step-up exercise can either be done one leg at a time or alternating between legs.